How to Use the Application Gallery The Application Gallery is a collection of all the captured screenshots of a particular application. Managers can download, view, annotate, or remove screenshots from the gallery.  It has the following components:
  • Application NameIndicates the application's name and is located at the header.
  • Back ButtonAllows you to return to the treemap.
  • Application Screenshots by UserThe screenshots are grouped by user.
  •  Application Screenshots by TimeThe screenshots are grouped by the time when they were captured.
  • App SizerAllows you to resize the screenshots.
  • Offline FilterLets you view the screenshots that were captured offline.
  • Mode FilterLets you filter the screenshots captured by window or fullscreen.
  • TimelineA vertical timeline at the right side of the gallery.
How to Access the Application Gallery Follow the instructions below to open the Application Gallery.
  • From the Application Usage treemap, click a tile.
  • Click the User Mode button located at the upper-right corner of the tile.
  • Click the App Menu (kebab menu) on the right section of the gallery header.
  • Choose Browse Gallery from the menu options.
Application Screenshots by User In the user’s Application Gallery, you’ll see:
  • Application screenshot
  • User's name
  • The total number of captured application screenshots 
To view the application screenshots according to users, do the following:
  • From the Application Usage treemap, click a tile.
  • Click the User Mode button located at the upper-right corner of the tile.
  • Click the App Menu (kebab menu) on the right section of the header.
  • Choose Browse Gallery from the menu options.
  • Click the user’s application screenshot.
Another way is to do the following:
  • From the Application Usage treemap, click a tile.
  • Click the User Mode button located at the upper-right corner of the tile.
  • Click the user’s tile from the treemap.
  • Click the User Treemap Menu (kebab menu) on the upper-right corner of the tile.
  •  Choose Browse Gallery from the menu options.
This will display the user’s application screenshots arranged by time from the earliest to the latest. Application Screenshots by Time The application screenshots when grouped by time display the screenshots according to the time they were captured, indiscriminate of the users.
  • From the Application Usage treemap, click a tile.
  • Click the User Mode button located at the upper-right corner of the tile.
  • Click the App Menu (kebab menu) on the right section of the gallery header.
  • Choose Browse Gallery from the menu options.
  • Look under the section of the gallery of users.
Know more about the Application Usage Menu. How to Use the Filters On the left panel of the gallery, there are several filters to use, the App Sizer, the Offline Filter, and the Mode Filter App Sizer By sliding the button of the App Sizer to the left or to the right can make the screenshots in the gallery appear smaller or bigger. Offline Filter The Offline Filter consists of two buttons, “All Screenshots”, and “Offline”.
  • All Screenshotsis enabled by default and shows all the application screenshots.
  • Offlinedisplays the screenshots that were captured when the user is offline or had a connection interruption.
Mode Filter There are two buttons in the Mode Filter. They are the By Window and the Fullscreen.
  • By WindowThis toggles screenshots captured by window.
  • FullscreenThis toggles screenshots captured in full screen.
Learn how to use the Search Filter, Date Picker, and the Team Filter. How to Download a Screenshot
  • Right-click anywhere on the screenshot.
  • Select Download from the menu options.
How to View a Screenshot
  • Right-click anywhere on the screenshot.
  • Select View from the menu options.
How to Annotate a Screenshot
  • Right-click anywhere on the screenshot.
  • Select Annotate from the menu options.
How to Remove a Screenshot
  • Right-click anywhere on the screenshot.
  • Select Annotate from the menu options.
Note that in the Application Gallery, you can’t use the Applications Filter. However, you may still use the Date Picker and the Team Filter to sift through the data you need. 
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