How to Filter Applications and Websites In the Computer Activity module, the tiles represent each app or website that the users have interacted with. To check a specific application or site, you can use the Application filter in the left panel of the dashboard. With this filter, you can find the application or website you want to inspect. Parts of the Application Filter
  • Applications ButtonDisplays only the applications used in the treemap.
  • Websites ButtonShows only the websites visited in the treemap.
  • Application Filter  Encloses the list of applications/websites.
  • Search Box Allows you to search through the apps in the App Filter container.
The Applications button is enabled by default, and it displays the applications used by the users in the Application Usage treemap.  The Application Filter container has: 
  • The list of the applications 
  • "All" option
  • "Less than an hour" option
“All” is enabled by default. To use the Application Filter, do the following:
  • Click an application from the list in the Application Filter container. 
  • If the app list is long, click the search box located under the Application Filter button.
  • Type in the name of the app.
  • Click the app from the filtered results.
  • To go back, click the back button on the upper right corner of the dashboard.
To view apps or websites that were used by the users for a short period of time, use the “Less than an hour” option.
  • Click the “Less than an hour” option from the container list.
  • Click an application from the loaded list.
  • If the app list is long, click the search box located under the Application Filter button.
  • Type in the name of the app.
  • Click the app from the search results.
  • To go back, click the back button on the upper right corner of the dashboard.
Selecting the “Less than an hour” option will load all the applications or websites that were used for less than one hour. It has the same function as the green "Less than an hour" tile in the treemap. To view the Websites, follow the steps below: 
  • Click the Websites button.
  • Click a website from the loaded list.
  •  If the website list is long, click the search box located under the Application Filter button.
  • Type in the website.
  • Click the website from the search results.
  • To go back, click the back button on the upper right corner of the dashboard.
The search function only comes up if there are 5 or more apps/sites listed. What happens when you filter by app or website 
  • The app or website data will load in the Application Usage, Application Timeline, and Keystrokes Timeline
  • The view changes to User Mode.
  • You can view drill-down information like the users who utilized the selected app, when the app was accessed, how many times it was opened, and for how long. 
Note that after clicking on an app or website, the Application Filter is hidden from the left panel. It can only be accessed again when you exit the User Mode by using the back button at the upper right corner of the dashboard. Read our guide on Application Usage Visualization.
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