How to Use the User Treemap Menu The User Treemap Menu is a menu on a treemap tile to help you access more detailed information about the user’s computer activity. It is a kebab menu placed at the upper right corner of the treemap tile. The menu can only be accessed in the User Mode. The User Mode is when the graphs display the data of users who utilized an app in the treemap tiles. To open the User Mode, 
  • Choose an application on the treemap. 
  • Click the tile to reveal the User Mode button.
  • Click the User Mode button.
An alternative way is to use the Application Filter in the left panel.
  • Select an application or website from the Application Filter
  • Click a user’s tile to reveal the User Treemap Menu 
To access the User Treemap Menu from the User Mode,
  • Click the treemap tile.
  • Click the User Treemap Menu.
When the User Treemap Menu is clicked, it shows the following menu options: 
  • User Name The registered name of the user
  • Application Usage This loads the Application Timeline and Keystrokes Timeline of the user.
  • Application Name The selected application
  • Browse Gallery This will load all the user’s captured screenshots from the earliest screenshots to the most recent ones.
  • Open as Feeds This will display the user’s data of the application in a stream of content you can scroll through. 
To go back to the Application Mode of the treemap, click the back button next to the App Menu on the header. What happens when you select the contents of the menu Application Usage When the option, Application Usage from the User Treemap Menu is opened, the dashboard will display the following data about the user:
  • Application Timeline
  • Keystrokes Timeline
You can use the Application Filter in this mode.  
  • Applications Clicking the button will show only the applications used by the remote user in the Application Timeline.
  • WebsitesClicking the button will show only the websites used by the remote user in the Application Timeline. 
To go back to the Application Mode of the treemap, clear the input user in the Search bar at the header. Read more about how to filter applications and websites. Browse Gallery When Browse Gallery is clicked from the menu, it opens the user’s Application Gallery. The Application Gallery is a collection of captured screenshots of an application. Managers can download, view, annotate, or remove screenshots from the gallery.  Learn how to use the Application Gallery. Open as Feeds When the Open as Feeds is selected, it will display the user’s data of the application in a scrollable stream of content. Read the guide about the Live Feed module.
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