How to Use the Daily Reports Drawer

The Daily Reports Drawer is a key feature of the Cloudica™ Daily Reports Module. Located on the right side of the page, it provides essential information about a user’s daily activities and offers tools for creating and managing Task Reports. The drawer allows users to review or create Task Reports. It also enables users to select apps and screenshots captured by Cloudica™ for inclusion in their Daily Reports. 66e2b1367f363Gif - daily reports drawer - big.gif What is a Task Report? A Task Report is a detailed record of the work performed by a user during a specific time period. It serves as a summary of the tasks completed, the applications used, and any screenshots taken during the workday. Task Reports offer a transparent way for users to highlight key activities, provide context for their work, and track their productivity. Each Task Report can include
  • A Title summarizing the task or project. 
  • Start and End times showing when the task was performed. 
  • A Summary of the task or activity. 
  • The number of Applications used. 
  • The number of Screenshots captured during the task. 
  • Worked Time spent 
  • Screenshot highlights 
  • and Notes 
Task Reports are essential for managers and owners to gain insights into how employees are using their time, ensuring accountability and transparency in remote work environments. Parts of the Daily Reports Drawer The Daily Reports Drawer contains the following components:  1. Create Button This is the "+" button, which lets you create Task Reports based on either the apps used or a specific time range. 66ed1e8272897Image 1 Create report menu.png Read more about how to create Daily Reports. 2. Play Button This button plays a slideshow of your Daily Report. It will only appear when a Task Report has already been saved. 6722dc3ff1c88GIF open player.gif Learn how to view Daily Reports. 3. Email Button Clicking the Email Button opens the email modal, allowing you to send your Daily Report to your assigned managers or external contacts.  6722dcc32563aGIF - send email.gif Know more about how to send your reports by email. 4. Timesheet Cards The Timesheet Cards summarize the time logs for the day. There are two types of Timesheet Cards:
  • Worked Time Card: Displays the total worked hours captured by the Cloudica™ app. It shows when work started and ended, along with the most-used app of the day. 
  • Idle Time Card: Shows the total idle time, when it occurred, the number of times the user went idle, and the longest idle period during the day. 
66e2b1dcbeeafImage - Timesheet cards.png 5. Unreported Apps Card This card shows the number of applications that have been used but not yet included in any Task Report. It also displays the total hours spent on these apps. When clicked, the card reveals a list of unreported apps, along with the time spent on each. The total duration of all apps is displayed at the top of the list.  66ed29a7efcb4GIF unreported apps.gif To add notes to unreported apps, you’ll first need to create and save a Task Report. After that, you can add notes and click the Save button to keep your changes. 6. Task Report Cards These cards show individual Task Reports, which you can review, edit, or create. Unlike the Timesheet and Unreported Apps Cards (which are automatically generated), Task Report Cards are added by the user. They provide detailed information on specific tasks or activities completed during the day. Users can add multiple Task Report Cards for a single day. Each Task Report Card includes: 
  • Title 
  • Start and End times 
  • Summary
  • Number of Applications Used and Screenshots 
66e39862727f0Image - task report cards.png When a Task Report Card is selected, its background turns green, and the full Task Report view is displayed. 7. X Button Click this button to hide the drawer. 66e2b21a3d860Gif hide drawer.gif 8. Daily Report Button This is the pink button on the page header. Clicking it will open the drawer if it is currently hidden. 66e2b21b7aa39Image - pink button.png By using the Daily Reports Drawer, users can efficiently manage their work reports, track unreported apps, and provide detailed insights into their daily activities.
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