How to Filter Data by Feed Type In the Live Feed module, you can customize the feeds to display according to your preference. By default, all captured data are shown on the feeds dashboard. However, with the use of the Feed Type Filter, you can choose what data will be displayed. The Feed Type Filter is composed of:
  • Filter data by feed type
  • Search box
  • Feed Type container
The different types of feeds are the following:
  • Applications and Websites
  • Screenshots
  • Snapshots
  • Keystrokes
  • User Status
  •  Productivity Tagging
  • Work Time logs
  • Login
  • Disconnection
  • Status Messages
When filtering the Live Feed data by its type, follow the steps below: 
  • On the left panel, under the "Filter data by feed type", scroll through the feed types.
  • Click the feed type from the list, or use the search box, and type the feed type you want to view.
  • Click the feed type from the filtered results if the search function is used.
  •  To go back to the unfiltered data display, click the “All” option.
The Live Feed Display will only show the users’ data according to the selected feed type for the succeeding real-time display. Note that it will not filter the feeds that are already displayed. “All” is also enabled by default. Learn how to filter data by teams.
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