How to Check Users’ Data from Previous Dates Data in the Productivity dashboard displays the current date by default. Therefore, to check users’ data information from past dates, you need to use the Date Picker at the left panel of the dashboard. The Date Picker consists of the following:
  • Date Picker Button Displays the month, day, and year. 
  • Navigation Buttons Helps you navigate through the dates. 
  • CalendarOpens when the Date Picker button is clicked. It displays a monthly calendar. 
How to Use the Navigation Buttons
  • Click the left arrow to go to the previous date.
  • Click the right arrow to go to the next date. 
How to Use the Calendar
  • Click the Date Picker button to open the calendar.
  • Click the left arrow to go to the previous month or click the right arrow to go to the next month.
  • Select a date with blue color.
Note that in the calendar, dates in blue color are clickable. Dates without stored data are displayed in black. Once a date is selected, the dashboard will update the data displayed in the Timeline and the Charts. The Date Picker can be used alongside other filters. 
  • Search Bar Use this to display a specific user’s data. 
  • Team Filter Use this to display the group or team’s data.
Use the user Search or the Team Filter with the Date Picker to get an in-depth view of the data you need. Read through our guide about how to filter users for additional information.
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