How to View Summary Individual Data The Daily Applications in the Summary module can be viewed as Individual Data. This means that the selected data is shown on a separate page from the Summary module. To open the Individual Data, follow these steps:
  • Click the kebab menu or right-click on the screenshot of a Daily Application.
  • A menu will pop out, then click “View Image” from the menu.
  • Use the left or right arrows to navigate through the Application Screenshots.
The dashboard then redirects to a page where only the selected data is displayed. The data here can be tagged and commented on.  You can browse through the Application Screenshots with the navigation arrows. What you will see when Individual Data is opened
  • Application name
  • Tag count
  • Comment count
  • Date and Time
  • User initials
  • Exit button
  • Screenshot
  • Navigation arrows
  • Window title
  • Tag icons
  • Comment text box
How to post a comment When you want to leave a comment on an Individual Data, follow the steps below:
  • Click the text box found at the bottom of the right panel of the page.
  • Type your comment.
  • Click the Send button or press Enter.
The Comment counter shows how many comments are posted on that Individual Data. Notifications are sent to the manager and all the users who commented on the same data. How to tag Individual Data To tag a Timeline Data as Productive, Excellent, Irrelevant, or Violation,
  • Click one of the tagging icons found on the right panel of the content.
The Timeline Data is now tagged and a notification is sent to the user. Get more information about tagging Daily Applications.
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