How to Use the Network
The Network diagram in User Management is a visual representation of how users, managers, and teams are interconnected with each other. It makes it easier for Managers to understand how items are related.
The diagram maps out the structure of the network with circles and line connections.
How to access the Network Diagram
- Click the Network button on the left panel of the dashboard.
- Use the kebab menu to filter the diagram.
- Click the X button to close the display.
Components of Network
- User circles
- Team circles
- Line connectors
- Network menu
- Exit button
Circle size and color
The circle nodes used in the diagram have different sizes and colors. The size and colors represent their type and function.
Circle sizes
- Small circles represent the users.
- Big circles represent the Teams.
Color meaning
- Dark blue circlestands for the Account owner.
- Green circlesare for users with Manager roles.
- Light blue circlesare for Remote Users.
- Black circlesare the Teams you created in your account.
- Gray circlesare the Teams from other accounts in your network.
Line connectors
- Blue connectors link the Users to the Teams they belong to.
- Gray connectors link the Users to their Managers and vice versa.
How to navigate the Network
- Click and drag outside the Networkto move the whole Network around.
- Click a circle and dragto move its position.
- Use the mouse wheelto zoom in and out of the diagram.
- Hover over the User Circlesto reveal the user’s name or admin information.
How to filter the Network Diagram
The Network diagram can be filtered to help you see and understand the structure better. You can use the Network Menu to filter or hide some components in the diagram.
The menu options consist of the following:
- Hide Teams
- Hide Managers
- Hide Managed Users
To use the filters, follow the steps below:
- Click the Network Menu (kebab menu) at the header.
- Select “Hide Teams” to remove the Team circles from the diagram.
- Select “Hide Managers” to remove the green circles of the Managers from the diagram.
- Select “Hide Managed Users” to remove the light blue circles of the Remote Users from the diagram.
Once a filter has been applied, the selected component is removed from the Network.
To remove the filter,
- Click open the Network Menu.
- Click “Show Teams” / “Show Managers” / “Show Managed Users”.
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