How to Check Users’ Data from Previous Dates You may need to view users’ data to determine whether deliverables and weekly or monthly targets are being met. Cloudica™ understands the need for ways to check employee progress on assigned tasks.  Follow the steps below and learn how to check user data from previous dates. The Date Picker is found on the upper left-hand section of the Virtual Workspace and shows the current date. Click the Date Picker to open the calendar. Available dates for the selected month are emphasized and colored blue. Click any of the blue-colored dates to view users’ activities for that date. Choosing a clickable date on the calendar will display the corresponding data boxes of team members present for that day. Use Team and Group filters or the search function to find a particular user. Then, click on the User Data Box to pull out the user's Last Activity. Now, you can check your employee’s activities for the date(s) you selected. To learn more about the user's Last Activity and its functions, feel free to visit our quick guide.
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