How to Tag Daily Applications By tagging Daily Applications of the Virtual Workspace, you can provide feedback, comments, and instructions to your team or to individual users. Tag an Application Screenshot from the User Data Box You can tag screenshots directly from the user data boxes. To do that, follow these steps:     
  • Right-click anywhere within the box. 
  • Select “Tag last application” from the pop-up menu.
  •  Click any of the tag icons below the screenshot.
Tag an Application Screenshot from Last Activity Tagging can also be done from the user’s Last Activity. You just need to:
  • Click the user data box to open Last Activity.
  • Choose an application to tag.
  •  Click any of the tag icons displayed below the image.
Tag Icons Meanings
  • Blue Necktie Use the blue necktie icon to commend users and tag the application as Productive.
  • Yellow Necktie Use the yellow necktie icon to tag applications as Excellent and give credit for outstanding performance.
  • White Exclamation Point Choose the white exclamation point icon to tag the application as Irrelevant and bring to attention activities that are not related to the assigned tasks.
  • Red Exclamation Point Tag applications with the red exclamation point icon as Violation.
Once an Application Screenshot is tagged, a notification is sent to the user. Users can add comments to screenshots with or without tagging. This allows managers to provide input, observations, and remarks on their teams’ progress. With this feature, you can ensure a more efficient workflow, and drive more focus on productivity.
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