How to Use Last Activity The user’s Last Activity provides more detailed information about the activities of each user. This guide will help you become familiar with Last Activity’s features and what they mean. To pull up Last Activity, simply click on a Data Box displayed on the Virtual Workspace. You can use the Dashboard Application filters to find a particular user. Components of Last Activity
  • Total Worked Time Total Worked Time is found on the upper left side of Last Activity. It displays the user’s total work time in hours and minutes.
  • Idle Time Shows how much time a user has been idle. This means that the user has not moved the mouse or tapped a key on the keyboard for some time.
  • Time In/Out Shows what time the user logged in to the app. Time out will only be displayed after the user logs out.
  • Team Name Shows which team the user belongs to. If the user is not assigned to a team, this section will display as “No Team.”
  • Monitoring Status This indicates the monitoring status set by the user on his desktop app. It can be Monitored, Confidential, or Incognito.
  • Snapshots Displays the latest Snapshot of the user, as well as the six most recent photos captured by the user’s computer camera.
  • Status Messages It displays what the users post as status messages on their desktop apps. It can the tasks or assignments they are working on.
  • Screenshots Displays the latest screenshots of each application or website the user opened.
How to Annotate, Tag, and Comment on Screenshots The Last Acitivity allows you to give feedback to users by annotating, tagging, and commenting on application screenshots. Here are the tools you can use:
  • Annotation Tool 
  • Tag
  • Comment 
Annotating Screenshots  The Annotation Tool lets you input comments and feedback directly onto a screenshot. You can highlight parts of the captured image, add text comments, and draw emphasis on the user’s output. To access and use the Annotation Tool:
  • Click the User box to open Last Activity
  • Right-click on any screenshot.
  • A menu will pop out, then click “Annotate this Image.” from the menu.
  • The Annotation Tool will open with the screenshot
  • Click the shape or text icons to add annotattions to the screenshot.
  • Click the Done button to save. 
Read more about the Annotation Tool guide. Tagging Daily Applications  By tagging Daily Applications, you can provide feedback, commendations, or warnings to your users. Each tag icon has a different meaning. 
  • Blue necktie to tag an application as Productive
  • Yellow necktie to tag an application as Excellent
  • White exclamation point to tag an application as Irrelevant
  • Red exclamation point to tag an application as Violation
To tag Daily Applications, you need to:
  • Click on the Tagging Icon (blue necktie, yellow necktie, white exclamation point, or red exclamation point) below the screenshot.
  • To change the tag, click on another icon.
Once a Daily Application is tagged, the tag counter shows how many times that Daily Application was tagged. In the User Box, the total number of tags for that user is also displayed. Read our guide on how to tag screenshots for more information about this feature.  Commenting on Screenshots
  • Click on the Comments icon found at the bottom left corner of the screenshot. A text box will appear below. 
  • Click the text box and type your comment
  • Click the Send icon or press Enter on your keyboard
The Comment counter shows how many comments that Daily Application has and in the User Box, the total number of comments for that user is also displayed at the bottom corner of the box. Drawer Navigation Icons
  • Resize Icon This icon lets you expand Last Activity to full screen.
  • X Icon Clicking the X icon will close it.
  • Minus (-) Icon Clicking this icon minimizes the component back to its original size on the dashboard.
Last Activity lets you observe employees individually in real time, which may help you determine if productivity is on a forward roll, or if there are areas of improvement that need to be addressed immediately.
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