Annotation Tool The Annotation Tool lets you input comments and feedback directly onto a screenshot or snapshot. With this tool, you can:
  • highlight parts of the captured image,
  • add text comments, and
  • draw emphasis on the user’s output.
How to access the Annotation Tool
  • Right-click on any screenshot and a menu will pop out.
  • Choose “Annotate this Image.” and the annotation widget will come up.
Parts of the Annotation Tool The widget contains the following components: 
  • Shape ToolUsing this lets you highlight or emphasize parts of the screenshot. The Shape Tool is highlighted by default when the Annotation Widget is launched.
  • Text ToolLets you add text comments directly on the screenshot.
  • Color PickerLets you change the color of the Shape Tool and Text. You can input color codes such as RGB, Hex, and HSL.
  • ResetThis option allows you to remove all changes you made to the screenshot.
  • SliderAdjusts the border thickness of the Shape Tool.
  • Font SizeThis feature only appears if the Text Tool is selected. You can increase or decrease the font size using this component.
  • Done Button Click this to save the annotations made.
  • Close ButtonUsed to close the Annotation Tool.
How to save an annotated screenshot
  • After adding annotations to a screenshot, click Done to save the changes you made.
  • Click Proceed to save the annotated image or click Cancel, to cancel the action. 
  • Click OK.
  • Once the image is saved, the user will then receive a notification about the annotated image.  
Click the X button on the upper right corner of the annotation screen to exit or close the tool. To access saved annotated images,
  • Right-click on any application screenshot.
  • Select "Annotate this image" from the menu.
  • On the right panel of the annotation tool widget, click Show All.  
  • The annotated screenshots will be displayed by date.
Annotated Images Page Use an owner’s or manager’s account to view all annotated images of your whole team. Remote users can only view annotated images of their own activities. The page contains the following information: 
  • Date PickerLets you view annotated images from different dates.
  • Resize Tool Lets you adjust the display size of the images.
  • Annotated Items The annotated images listed from the most recent to the oldest.
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