Live Streams Player The Live Streams Player is the real-time view of the users’ feeds in a video player format. To access the Live Streams Player:
  • Click the Live Streams Player icon found on the header.  
Another way to view the Live Streams Player is to: 
  • Click the Live Feed icon on the header. 
  • Click the pink “streams on going” button.   
Parts of the Live Streams Player
  • Player Shows the Application Screenshots and the Snapshots of the user/s.  
  • Live Feed PanelDisplays the Applications and Websites, Keystrokes, User Status, Productivity Tagging, Work Time logs, Login, Disconnection, and Status Messages.
  • Live Stream Count This shows how many users are currently in the live stream.
  • Team Filter Lets you limit the feed displays to the members of a certain team only. 
  • Info button The video player has an info box in the upper left corner that shows the username and app name when hovered. The Info button displays Tag and Comment Counts when a timeline data is tagged or commented on.
Note that the Live Streams Player or Ongoing Stream does not have playback Controls. How to filter a Stream by user If you want to view only a specific user's data in the Stream, follow these steps:
  • Click the Search bar and type in the name of the user in the input box.
  • Matching results will be displayed in the results container and on the Online Users List.
  • Click the user you want to view in the search result container.   
The Stream will now only display the feeds of the selected user. When using User Search in the Stream, other filters cannot be used simultaneously. To remove the User filter, click the back arrow in the search bar or clear the name from the bar.  Know more about User Search. How to filter a Stream by team
  • On the left panel, under the "Filter data by team" button, click a team name.
  • If the team list is long, click the search box, and type the team name.
  • Click the team name from the filtered results. 
  • To go back to the unfiltered data, click the “All” option. 
When the Team Filter is enabled, the Stream will only show data from the selected team members.
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