Desktop App Welcome to the quick guide for the Cloudica™ Desktop App, the tool designed to capture essential data for monitoring and enhancing the productivity of remote users. Follow this guide for a smooth experience. Installation User Header The User Header consists of the following: 
  • Snapshot Displays your latest or last snapshot taken by the app.
  • Status Icon Indicates online (green) or offline (white) status. 
  • Username Shows who is logged in. 
  • Activity Status Indicates computer activity or idle time. 
  • Monitoring Status Icon Reflects your monitoring status (Monitoring, Confidential, Incognito). 
  • Menu Access for changing monitoring status, signing out, or exiting the app. 
  • Current Date & Timezone Displays the present date and company timezone. 
Left Panel Under the User Header are two sections to the Left Panel. They are the:  Today Section:
  • Worked TimeDuration the Desktop App has monitored your computer activities. 
  • Started TimeTime of initial login to the app for the day. 
Status Message Section:
  • Posted Status Messages Shows status messages posted during your day. Edit or remove messages as needed. 
  • Status Message Input Write your current status or activity. Can also be posted from the Cloudica™ web dashboard. 
Feeds Panel On the right side of Cloudica™ application is the Feeds Panel. Here you can see the real-time data captured by the Cloudica™ Desktop App. The panel will display the following:
  • Snapshots 
  • App/Window Screenshots 
  • Fullscreen Screenshots 
  • Keystrokes 
  • App Names 
  • URLs 
  • Idle Time 
All data captured is curated in the Cloudica™ web Dashboard Application for further analysis and monitoring. 
  • Posted Status Messages Shows status messages posted during your day. Edit or remove messages as needed. 
  • Status Message Input Write your current status or activity. Can also be posted from the Cloudica™ web dashboard. 
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